About CITEViz

CITEViz is a single-cell visualization platform with a custom module that replicates the interactive flow-cytometry gating workflow. With CITE-Viz, users can investigate CITE-Seq specific quality control (QC) metrics, view multi-omic co-expression feature plots, and classify cell clusters by iteratively gating on the abundance of cell surface markers. CITE-Viz was developed to make multi-modal single-cell analysis accessible to a wide variety of biologists, with the aim to discover new insights into their data and to facilitate novel hypothesis generation. If you use our package, please cite our paper: CITE-Viz: Replicating the Interactive Flow Cytometry Workflow in CITE-Seq..

CITEViz Workshop Curriculum

  • Gating

    • 1-layer gates

    • 2-layer gates

    • Back-gate

    • Differential expression

  • Feature Co-Expression Plots

    • ADT-vs-ADT

    • ADT-vs-RNA

  • Quality Control

  • Cluster Visualization

Gating - Differential Expression

When two cell populations of interest are isolated, the gating data can be read back into Seurat to facilitate differential expression as follows:


# import original data
pbmc = readRDS("inst/extdata/small_pbmc_2.rds")

# import gate information
b_gate = readRDS("inst/extdata/B-Cells-2.rds")
nk_gate = readRDS("inst/extdata/NK-Cells-2.rds")

# extract cell barcodes in each gate
b_barcodes <- b_gate$gate_1@subset_cells[[1]]
nk_barcodes <- nk_gate$gate_1@subset_cells[[1]]
# make sure no overlapping cells between gates
b_barcodes <- setdiff(b_barcodes, nk_barcodes)

# differential expression
diff_exp <- FindMarkers(pbmc, ident.1 = b_barcodes, ident.2 = nk_barcodes)

p_val avg_log2FC pct.1 pct.2 p_val_adj
MS4A1 3.07e-279 3.17 0.983 0.03 6.38e-275
CD79A 1.99e-278 2.96 0.978 0.02 4.14e-274
IGHD 1.29e-272 3.22 0.957 0.01 2.67e-268
IGHM 9.57e-266 2.50 0.985 0.08 1.98e-261
BANK1 1.21e-258 2.29 0.93 0.01 2.50e-254
RALGPS2 2.69e-244 2.34 0.942 0.07 5.59e-240
CD79B 1.50e-222 2.17 0.949 0.16 3.12e-218
TYROBP 8.83e-219 2.51 0.28 0.98 1.83e-214
LINC00926 1.21e-216 1.65 0.828 0.02 2.51e-212

Supplementary Information

CITEViz comes with accompanying slides located here.